This Conference will provide an international forum to discuss and exchange information and experiences on the challenges associated with driving the gender dimension in Physics and Mathematical disciplines. In response to these challenges, it will concentrate on the promotion and interventions that are necessary in higher education and research institutions.
Dates: 22/23 June 2022
Venue: The conference venue is the Palestra et Odeum in the University park, Lund, Sweden.
This GeDiMIRT conference is a product of the Gender Equality Network in Physics in the European Research Area (GENERA) Network, established in 2018 through an EU-funded GENERA project. Its vision is to support, coordinate and improve gender equality policies in physics research performing organisations throughout Europe and world-wide. The conference will provide an established international forum, allowing the sharing of good practices and research results on the changes and challenges related to the gender dimension in these fields of science.
Registration link.
Conference Website: