About US
About US
GenHET is an international working group of researchers working in high energy theoretical physics (HET). The group is hosted by the CERN Theory Department of CERN and aims to monitor gender issues; increase the visibility of female researchers; support the career development of women and raise awareness in the community about gender issues.
The group is open to all researchers (men and women) across all career stages, and seeks representatives from all nationalities. Researchers are encouraged to join GenHET and get involved by organizing events and proposing new ideas and initiatives.
GenHET aims at addressing the problem of the low representation of women in the high energy theory community by:
- Monitoring gender issues in high energy theory.
- Improving the visibility of women in the research community.
- Increasing awareness of gender issues within the theory community.
- Providing networking, support and mentoring for women, particularly early career women.
- Increasing the representation of women as speakers in conferences, in organizing committees, as editors of leading journals and, more generally, in decision making roles throughout the community.
- Collaborating with gender experts and other communities, to share expertise and good practice.
The working group was born as a follow up of the gender activities organized within the COST Action MP1210 The String Theory Universe: an action that was led by women and that included a gender component.
GenHET spans the whole landscape of high energy theory research: BSM, QCD and collider physics, lattice, nuclear physics, gravitational physics, cosmology, string theory, mathematical physics.
The activities of the GenHET group were launched in the “1st workshop on high energy theory and gender”, held at CERN in September 2018. GenHET was initiated by a group of researchers that includes Anna Ceresole (INFN, Turin), Mariana Graña (Saclay), Marián Lledó (Valencia U.), Yolanda Lozano (Oviedo U.), Silvia Penati (Milano-Bicocca U.), Michela Petrini (Jussieu U.), Marika Taylor (U. of Southampton) and Malgorzata Worek (Aachen U.).
We encourage researchers in all areas of the high energy theory community, at all career stages and from all countries, to get involved in GenHET and build a vibrant program of activities. The structure and leaders of the working group will be decided by all group members.
The current members of the steering committee are (in alphabetical order)
- Agnese Bissi
- Alejandra Castro
- Valentina Giangreco Puletti
- Alessandra Gnecchi
- Mariana Graña
- Magdalena Larfors
- Silvia Penati
- Elli Pomoni
- Marika Taylor
- Yolanda Lozano
If you would like to be involved in the steering committee, please contact us at GenHet.Admin@cern.ch.